According to the Alzheimer Institute Brazil (IAB), Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the functioning of the slow and progressive way of the brain and is characterized by the involvement of two or more cognitive functions – like memory, language, attention, logical reasoning, judgment, planning , visual and spatial ability – severe enough to interfere with activities of daily life of the person.

The greatest risk factor for developing the disease, according to the IAB, is advancing age, but there are also other reasons why the disease develops as being female, present genetic and hereditary factors and style life adopted throughout life, among other reasons.

Alzheimer’s numbers are relevant. It is estimated that 47 million people around the world suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and and iff number will almost double every 20 years, reaching 74.7 million in 2030 and 131.5 million in 2050, Alzheimer’s Brazilian Association.

In Europe, a study was conducted between 2008 and 2015 to better understand the relationship between nutritional supplementation and the risk of developing the disease. In the survey, coordinated by the neurologist Tobias Hartmann of the University of Saaland, Germany, it was used to supplement “Souvenaid”, Danone, the composition contains minerals, vitamins, omega 3 and choline.

The study involved a group of 321 people who were with the disease in early stages. After consuming the product for two years, the study participants showed improvements in performing everyday tasks like paying bills, for example. The consumption of the supplement also slowed the decrease in brain mass.

The survey results are very significant, since data on the disease are very limited and pharmaceutical options to treat Alzheimer’s are not yet available.

Alzheimer’s figures in the world, with estimates of over 150 million cases in 2050, show the need for special attention of science and market this evil, in order to develop studies and products such as those mentioned above, to meet patients diagnosed with the disease.


To learn more about the study, visit the link:


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